“Be Part of The Change!”

Support Us

How Can You Support Us


you can support us by making cash donations. We accept donations from private individuals, for-profit companies, charitable foundations, and governments


You can support us convincing your friends, company or other companies to provide corporate funding to Muno Community Initiative


You can join us and provide voluntary services. you can help us reach more beneficiaries. Raise awareness about the organization's cause


you can support us by making donations in kinds like books, computers and other materials.

Latest Projects

Muno Community Initiatives has 3 currently running projects where we need your help


Disability Program

Disability Empowerment

Our goal is to empower 200 disabled people from Jinja

Goal: $5000
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Health program

Health program

This program aims to extend health services to 5000 people in hard to reach villages

Goal: $10,000
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Skilling Youth

Youth Empowerment

We plan to empower 500 youth with  Enterprise development skills and provide them with startup loans after the youth skills training

Goal: $50,000
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How to donate

Donations can be made by making bank transfers or direct deposits to our accounts. 

    Become a Volunteer

    You can reach us by email to receive the information on our services, partnerships and training opportunities, or to make a donation. Our team will respond to you within one business days.


    Location: Buwenda Village, Jinja, Uganda.

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    We are dedicated to empowering individuals and uplifting communities through education, health, disability support, and empowerment programs.


    Location: Buwenda Village, Jinja, Uganda.

    Phone:+256702272362 | Email: info@munocommunityinitiative.org

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